Som en del av JCI Nordic Groups firande av JCI:s hundraårsjubileum arrangeras Nordic Inspiration Conference i Tallinn i slutet av augusti nästa år. Temat för konferensen är ”Beyond borders”.

”Beyond borders will give you a chance to be part of the lives of people who have overcome their human boundaries. You will hear about out-of- box organisations and meet their extraordinary leaders. You will be inspired by new business ideas and understand how new technologies are creating opportunities for almost everything we see, do and experience. You will understand how different subcultures are shaping the world – beyond physical borders, countries and cultures.”

Early bird är 149 euro och deadline 31.1!
I priset ingår
-Full access to activities in the main programme
-Three evening events with dinner
-Sunday brunch

Kring 100 personer har redan anmält sig, bland dessa många vänner från JCI Toompea.

Läs mer på

Det finns två trainings som man måste anmäla sig till separat för att delta. Anmälan till dessa öppnas i november (ej närmare specificerat än så, håll ögonen öppna!)

Start-Up Academy
If you are an established entrepreneur or a wannabe startupper, you are most welcome to feel the flavour of the start-up community and get valuable feedback from the CEOs, field experts, business angels and venture capital investors.

Leadership Academy
The aim of the Leadership Academy is to provide top leadership experience from the „field“ – from top leaders and managers from Estonia and abroad, in order to boost leadership intelligence and skills in the context of borderless world.

Mvh. Linda, VP2/INT